L Carnitine

General Information

L-Carnitine (the "L" refers to the naturally occuring form) is used by the body to transport long-chain fatty acids to the mitochondria (energy-producing component) in cells. The fat is then utilized as energy. This keeps fat from being stored in muscles and elsewhere in the body. Low levels of carnitine in the body exhibit as a weakness in muscles and energy, poor heart function, weight gain, and mental confusion.


Carnitine is required for the transportation of fatty acids into cells; it allows fatty acids to enter the cellular organelle called the mitochondria. Mitochondria are the energy factories of cells. Carnitine is made within the body, but can become conditionally essential at times of stress (the body fails to make enough carnitine to supply the body's needs. Liver and kidney disease might decrease the available carnitine, making supplementation helpful in animals with liver and kidney disease.

Carnitine has antioxidant effects, where it reduces lipid peroxidation (a toxic compound of metabolism). It also has antioxidant effects on myocardial (heart) cells and intestinal cells.

Studies show that oral carnitine reduces fat mass, increases muscle mass, and reduces fatigue. This research has led to its use as an adjunct to weight loss.

Carnitine has been proposed as a treatment for many conditions of the body with chronic disease because it acts as an antioxidant. Antioxidants fight harmful chemicals in the body known as free radicals. Free radicals can damage cells, including cellular DNA. Antioxidants can neutralize free radicals and may reduce or help prevent some of the damage they cause.


  • Heart Disease
  • Heart Murmurs
  • Cardiac Arrhythmias
  • Kidney Disease (there is reduced production of carnitine)
  • Weight loss (fat metabolism)
  • Senility, to improve brain function
  • Performance and working animals might improve physical endurance



  • 1-25 lbs=1/2 capsule twice daily
  • 25-50 lbs=1 capsule twice daily
  • 50-100 lbs=2 capsules twice daily


  • 1/2 capsule twice daily


  • Small (under 100 grams)= 1/32 capsule daily on food
  • Medium (100 to 250 grams)= 1/16 capsule daily on food
  • Large (250 to 600 grams)= 1/8 capsule daily food
  • Birds over 600 grams= 1/8 capsule for each 500 gms of body weight on food
  • This product is very safe, so you can "salt" it on all soft foods with each meal for all birds
  • If you want to place in the water instead of placing on food, use 2 capsules for every 8 ounces of water; change the water twice daily


  • 1/2 capsule twice daily
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